Dog and Cats and Baby Girl

Princess BusterThe dog is about 13 years old now. He was a puppy when my hubby and older kids found him roaming the streets, collarless. I’m not a dog person, but I adore this one. He got his name from always getting busted doing things he wasn’t supposed to – like sleeping on the sofa. It took forever for us to train him to stay off of our bed. But he’s so super gentle. Very protective of his pack, but he knows he’s not the alpha.

Man, You Shoulda Seen Her Face!The older cat is 16. He was presented to me as a kitten… And he was the runt of the litter. Scrawny, black, weepy eyes, and a bad bladder infection. We all thought he was female till I took him to be spayed and the vet called – and said it would be less expensive than we thought as he would be neutered. Later, after a name change, he was put on strong antibiotics; the vet said if he still peed on things (not spraying), he might need kitty Prozac. He was my “fraidy cat”. No more. Now he is too old to care, and has severe skin issues. Also not the alpha, though he isn’t shy about warning you if you touch the wrong spot.

Cat SittingThe younger cat is about 9 now, and she adopted Meggie when I was pregnant with her. She doesn’t like people she doesn’t know – especially big people. But she is so very patient with having her fur pulled and being forcibly cuddled. Still not the alpha, but very much belongs to everyone.

But all of them are family animals. They love their “Daddy”, “Mommy” and “siblings”. When our oldest cat had to be put to sleep 3 years ago, the others wandered around looking for her. The cats have channeled some of her behavior, too. Like sleeping on my pillow and waking me with a cold nose to the lips.

Meggie has names for them. She tries to call the younger cat Isis, but it comes out “EYEth”. Older cat, Talie, is “Kee”. And the dog? Is “Buh-tah”. As in, “Buh-tah bock!” when he wants to come in and barks at the back door. And Buster knows when his little girl is calling. (Though it doesn’t hurt that she feeds him from the table, either.)